Trunk or Treat

The HLEF invites friends, family, and local organizations to attend our annual Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 19th, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm in the Hartland Public Library’s parking lot. This event will kick off the Village of Hartland’s Pumpkin Party in the Park, an event organized in partnership with Kiwanis Club of Greater Hartland, the Hartland Public Library, and the Village of Hartland.

We invite anyone who is interested in participating as a “trunk” or volunteering their time to help with the event to fill out the registration form below. Your participation will allow you to decorate a vehicle in a fun, Halloween theme and distribute candy or goodies to the families attending. Nut-free treats are strongly encouraged. Registration is free, but any donations to HLEF are greatly appreciated, as they help fund future community events and educational grants.

Trunk or Treat is a fantastic opportunity to connect community members with local organizations!

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