Grant Funding

The core of what we do

Grant funding

The Hartland Lakeside Education Foundation (The HLEF) is a partner of the Hartland-Lakeside School District. The HLEF enhances our school community by:

  • Promoting connection and unity through school and community events. 
  • Supporting our teachers, staff, and district through volunteerism. 
  • Enriching education through the awarding of annual grants.

Grants may be awarded to fund experiences, materials, or teacher training. Grants have previously been awarded for items such as basketball hoops, recess equipment, soccer goals, woodworking tools, stem equipment, and gym enhancements.

Prior to filing an application, the grant applicant must get initial approval from the building principal. Starting in 2024, all major grant applicants must submit a pre-authorization form prior to completing a grant application. This form will be reviewed by HLSD administrative team. If approved, the applicant can move on to file an application. There is no pre-authorization required for micro grants except principal approval.

The HLEF has two types of grants:

Micro Grants

  • Grants of less than $250.
  • Available only to district administrators, teachers, and staff.  
  • Applications will be reviewed and approved by the HLEF board.
  • Applications will be accepted at any time and will be reviewed at the next HLEF Board Meeting. HLEF Board Meetings are the second Monday of each month.
  • Intended to be a simple mechanism to allow district employees to request funds for small, one-off expenses.
  • Principal approval required, but no pre-authorization form

Major Grants

  • Grants of any dollar amount.
  • Available to district administrators, teachers, staff, students, and families.
  • Three grant cycles annually.
  • Reviewed by a committee of district parents and HLEF board members.
  • Intended to be used for new projects and items which are above and beyond the required district curriculum—we like to think of it as the things that make our school district sparkle!  
  • Three grant cycles annually:
    • Cycle 1: Submit pre-authorization by March 17 | Application due April 1
    • Cycle 2: Submit pre-authorization by July 17 | Application due August 1
    • Cycle 3: Submit pre-authorization by November 17 | Application due December 1
      • Deadline extended for the 2024 Cycle 3: Submit pre-authorization by December 7 | Application due December 17

Micro Grant Process

Principal Approval

Request and receive approval from the building principal for your grant idea.

Grant Application

After the principal’s approval, you can submit a micro grant application.

Major Grant Process

Principal Approval

Request and receive approval from the building principal for your grant idea.


Pre-authorization submissions will be reviewed by the HLSD administrative team. Ideas that will be funded by the district will be pulled from consideration at this stage.

Grant Application

If your pre-authorization is approved, you can submit either a long major grant application or a short major grant application. 

Complete grant information

Please read the Grant Overview Packet in its entirety prior to submitting a pre-authorization request for your grant idea.  The packet includes the annual cycle application deadlines for the major grants, in-depth descriptions of the process of each grant, grant criteria, teams and conditions, follow-up, and grant publicity expectations.  Questions regarding the grant application process can be directed to Miyoshi Zuehl at [email protected].

Application Links

This pre-application is required in order to receive approval to submit an application. You will be contacted once your pre-application has been reviewed with instructions on how to proceed.
Grant Applications with a cost of $250 or less.
Open to HLSD administration, teachers and staff only. These applications are reviewed on a rolling basis at each HLEF meeting by the HLEF board. 
By using this form, you are submitting all the information that the grant committee requires to make a decision regarding your application. This application does not require attendance at the grant committee meeting.
By using this form, you are indicating that you would like to briefly present your grant idea/request rather than submit a full application. A virtual option may be available. Please inquire before choosing this method.

Questions regarding the grant application process can be directed to Miyoshi Zuehl at [email protected].

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Hartland-Lakeside Education Foundation