
Make a gift to support The HLEF

Help the hartland lakeside school district

We will make every dollar you give count and ensure that your support is reaching the right hands!

What your donation will do

$25 Gift can provide

recess equipment

Biannual grants often request recess equipment for the three schools.

$50 Gift can provide

New books

We provide books to the teachers twice a year so that the kids can have new books to read in their classrooms.

$75 Gift can provide

teacher appreciation

Every May, we show our appreciation to our teachers for all of the hard work that they do. 

$150 Gift can provide

community events

The HLEF puts on multiple community events for HLSD families. These are beloved by both grown ups and kids.

$100 Gift can provide

small grants

Our grant requests range from small to large. Every little bit helps!

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